We know it can be a dog eat dog world out there when it comes to parking at our favorite spots in Tallahassee, and now that College Town is the new black, our team at Madison Social wanted to give you all a heads up on which lots are available for public use. Don't wanna miss happy hour at MadSo? Here is the 411 and everything you need to know about parking in College Town:
Metered spaces on Madison Street. These spaces are managed by the city and will cost $0.50 per hour.
Free lot south of Urban Outfitters. This lot is managed by the landlord and is free from 11am to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Weekday Evenings/Nights and Weekends:
Lot located at the corner of Woodward Avenue and St. Augustine Street. These spaces are free after 4:30pm.
The St. Augustine parking garage. These spaces are free after 4:30pm.
Metered spaces on Madison Street. These spaces are free.(see picture above)
Lot south of Urban Outfitters. These lots are paid lots. (see pictures above)
Posted October 5, 2015